Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Buzzword-filled Mission Statement

I guess if I'm to blog, I should at least have some kind of statement regarding what it's about (particularly with a moderately nebulous name like The Interconnect).

First and foremost, there will be all manner of rantings about technology.

What does that mean? Well, it doesn't necessarily mean discussions about chip- or board-level interconnects, though that will likely be discussed.

What it mostly means is that here I intend to cover a number of facets of the information technology jewel, with an eye toward giving a better understanding of how various subfields affect others within this arena.

Wait, there aren't nearly enough buzzwords yet:

"I will present a methodology for thinking outside of the box, in order to be inclusive in equipping you to meet the critical dates for all of your important milestones!"

Whew! Now that I've got that out of my system, perhaps I should get to work.

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